when you are pushing a pram with alot of style. really hip indie rock moms and dads would go out 'pramin' . ' pramin' is like ' jamming' minus the music - but plus the babies. it is very popular in prenzlauerberg.
slysoint: a slightly creepy guy who wears a black hoodie while spying on some other guys as they caress the limbs of a mannequin in a department store window
slyzed: past tense of slyze, the act of snapping a picture of a slysoint (also creepy, potentially moreso) slized: same thing, british spelling
cathella is a portmanteau of 'catholic' and 'nutella' and it means this: 1. profound recurring feelings of guilt for having consumed too much nutella 2. chocolatey spread that has been blessed by a priest and smeared between two hostwafers, oreo-styles (late-night snack of choice among the clergy)
' preesses' means precious, priceless and princess at the same time. typically this word is used used when you are drunk and the apple of your eye is also drunk - you might call him or her 'preesses' to seduce them. do not use this word if either of you is sober.
glevi: is a gravy that is so viscous and sticky that when you try to say gravy your mouth can' t open all the way so you say ' glevi'. this gravy can be found on the poutine at AA diner in st.henri / montreal.
* there is some debate that the word is possibly derived from the combination of glee and gravy
gatelyps (according to elisabeth): what you get when you want into a locked establishment so bad you push your face up to the gate and your lips get stuck to it because it's cold outside and you're wearing lipgloss
gatelyps (according to karin): what you get when you have a secret so secret that your lips turn into a gate that has a lock that can only be picked with a tongue.
to go ungcot, or uncaught, is to go uncaptured by CAPTCHA or other word verification box tests that are designed to determine that you're a human and not a computer
(please see inaugural post)
what is a CAPTCHA?
Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
you really oughta wikitup: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA