Wednesday, September 22, 2010


a cryme is a musical indiscretion committed by those who may or not play dungeons and didgeridoos. flailing somewhere in the musical waves that separate the powerballads from the boybands, a cryme ALWAYS begins with your back to the audience. every live performance of a cryme aspires to bring you to tears with an impassioned display of rule-breakiness and repeated chest poundings. rife with risque euphemisms about masturbation, cryme lyrics always include the words "cry" and "crime":

sample 1
CRY to crime
CRY to crime
CRY to crime
Won't you cry to crime ? (x2)

sample 2
It's not a crime for a man to cry, cry, cry
Sample the flavor of long-withheld tears
Just as falling rain is a kind of beauty
It's better to hold this opportunity well, and cry once
[It's not a crime]

sample 3
I will cry tonight, I will cry tonight, and my hands we cannot stop this crime.
I will cry tonight, I will cry tonight, and my sword has lost the eternal fight.

see also:
cryminal, crymage, crymudgeon

Friday, September 10, 2010


when something is so manly it encompasses all manhood, manliness - it is so whole that it is holy. there is only one word to express the awe inspired by such manly mannesss.
'immen' .
it's like on Oprah when they sing ' i'm every woman' - this is the man version - ' i'm men'
this psychic fisherman in a box at the duty free crossing en route to NY inspires one to say 'immen - immen to that brother' .


a turbulent food state. you know- when the food is so unstable it is still moving on your plate? food in throil looks as if it is in the throws of passion (with itself) , in the eye of a hurricane or still boiling.
this is a black forest cake in a state of throil.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


flast = flask blast.

a state achieved exclusively by drinking moonshine from a handmade ceramic flask embellished with a boombox, courtesy of tim ayers. if you're sicker than this dog, chances are pretty good that you have had a flast.